About Us

Leaff is a young Italian company dealing with DSP and ICT In just few years we created a solid network of partners operating in several fields where the need for custom solutions is the common demand

A consolidated team of expert developers guarantees reliability and capability of dealing with a variety of situations

A deep link with Polytechnic University of Marche is maintained to guarantee a constant know-how exchange through the collaboration with both experienced academic staff and young and qualified students

Papers describing the results of our researches have been presented at important International Conferences such as: AES, IEEE, SAE.

Registered Office
Via Puccini, 75
62016 Porto Potenza Picena (MC)
Head Office
Via Pastore, 10
60027 Osimo (AN)
PEC: leaff@pec.leaff.it
Phone: +39 071 7819947
Fax: +39 071 9206030
PI/VAT: IT02106900422
© Leaff Engineering